
Posts Tagged ‘news’



Quoted In The Grove:
Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear.
~Corrie Ten Boom

Ten years ago, I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable. I’d smile when I was sad, pretend to like people who appalled me. What I now know is that losses aren’t cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing.
~Martha Beck

Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.
~Whoopi Goldberg

In a 24/7 news cycle, with all the shrieking, howling voices and rapid-response and instant spinning and Soviet-style disinformation-mongering, a good idea has a shelf life of about, um, six seconds.
~Christopher Buckley


Exercise Prompt for next time:omen

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I’m born into the cycle of giving that we’re all born into, and I recognize it. So just because something is a good business, I’m not a business guy. I’m a creative guy.
~Russell Simmons

I was a terrible student. Still, I managed to get into college, but my daydreaming threatened to sabotage me. I used behavior modification to break the cycle. I started by setting an arbitrary time limit on studying: for every 15 minutes of study, I’d allow myself an hour of daydreaming. I set the alarm.
~Sandra Cisneros

It may part of a one way evolution… or it may be we are currently on the downside of an innocence cycle where one day, with an up cycle, sweet will be entertaining again.
~Christopher Knight


The speed of change today is faster than the human psyche seems able to handle, and it’s increasingly difficult to reconcile the rhythms of our personal lives with the rapidity of a twenty-four-hour news cycle.
~Marianne Williamson

I text my girlfriends. I look at Facebook. I check my e-mail. If I’m away from the news cycle more than a few hours, I feel out of touch.
~Leelee Sobieski

Overwhelmed by the miraculous potentialities of the machine, our human greed has interfered with the biological cycle of human companionship which keeps the life of a community healthy.
~Walter Gropius

I’m actually tougher on myself as I get older. It’s a vicious cycle. The things that are important in life are the things that you can’t buy in life: love, health and happiness. I say that, and I believe that, and I try to live that.
~Criss Angel


Each thing is of like form from everlasting and comes round again in its cycle.
~Marcus Aurelius

I wanted to write a film and I thought the best way to do so was to train myself within the field… It was just like a cycle of people trying to make it, not making it, doing extra work, and it was pretty depressing in the end.
~Michelle Rodriguez (actor)

Everything has a cycle and a season.
~Ty Dolla Sign


Hunting is part of a cycle of life that repeats. Life. Death. Life. Death. Death is part of life.
~Roberto Baggio

The cycle of life is death, decomposition and regeneration, and a person who wants to stop killing animals is actually anti-life because it’s only in death that life can be regenerated.
~Joel Salatin

Violence is literally the glue of the cycle of life, and yet I think that we’re the only species that does it maliciously.
~Taylor Sheridan


Without grounding, it’s easy to embrace the ‘baller’ lifestyle: dropping out of tech, throwing money at cars, boats and real estate, and slipping into a cycle of spending and indulgence.
~Ryan Holmes

Wall Street has been beset with problems. The cycle of greed and personal aggrandizement and lifestyle grandstanding is an affront to any American.
~Anthony Scaramucci

When I speak of “cycles,” I am referring to lengthy intervals of relative homogeneity, if not in the resolving of problems, than at least with respect to the consistency of their capacity to productively irritate.
~Brian Ferneyhough


When I get online, there’s this cycle of anxiety and narcissism that takes over, which is the part of me that I like the least.
~Garth Risk Hallberg

I think people get stuck in a cycle with social media sometimes and don’t know how to make adjustments that are personal.
~Hari Nef

I’d been in a vicious cycle and circle of people and couldn’t see my way out. So I picked myself up one day about 15 years ago and moved where I didn’t know anyone.
~Chaka Khan


Ever since a therapy dog visited me in the hospital during my first cycle of chemotherapy in May 2011, I became fixated on the idea of having a dog of my own one day.
~Suleika Jaouad

We can stop the cycle of animal homelessness and save lives by opening our hearts and homes to a loving cat or dog from an animal shelter instead of buying animals from breeders or pet shops.
~Amy Jackson

Mutts are the best. The crossbreed cycle mellows out the worst and doubles the best of the breeds.
~author unknown


I feel a real need to observe a level of propriety in what I’m handing out. Instead of me just venting or spilling my guts, I’ve got to consider how it’s going to affect people. How it’s going to affect me, as well. Because it’s like a cycle.
~Eric Clapton

As I get, I give. Giving as you get is critical. It has everything to do with being happy for yourself, and making others happy is the cause of making yourself happy, and it’s the cycle of giving and getting.
~Russell Simmons

In my mind, a bubble or over-hyped cycle is driven by something good happening, which is used as a baseline for the next good thing.
~Sunil Nagaraj

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Posted From The Grove

It’s not a 24-hour news cycle, it’s a 60-second news cycle now, it’s instantaneous. It has never been easier to get away with telling lies. It has never been easier to get away with the glib one liner.
~Malcolm Turnbull

Things come and go in the news cycle like waves of fever.
~Adam Curtis

Television, radio, social media. The 24/7 news cycle plows forward mercilessly on our desks, in our cars and in our pockets. Thousands and thousands of messages and voices bombard us from the moment we wake, fighting for our attention. All we see and hear, all day long, is news. And most of it is bad.
~Joseph Prince


Politics is full of hyperbole. Politics is full of hyperbole and partisanship, and every four to eight-year cycle, those that disagree with the platform or the party of the president in power find themselves thinking we’ve arrived at hell in a handbasket.
~Will Cain

People feel overwhelmed by the news cycle, and by this nagging feeling that the kind of vitriol out of Washington is just not how we are supposed to act as a government, and as a nation.
~Elissa Slotkin

The ‘democracy gap’ in our politics and elections spells a deep sense of powerlessness by people who drop out, do not vote, or listlessly vote for the ‘least worst’ every four years and then wonder why after every cycle the ‘least worst’ gets worse.
~Ralph Nader

The sense that I get is that every election cycle, the mainstream press devolves more and more.
~Ana Kasparian

Donald Trump is right. We need to figure out a way to end this cycle of hostility that’s putting this country at risk…
~Jeff Sessions


Concentration of wealth yields concentration of political power. And concentration of political power gives rise to legislation that increases and accelerates the cycle.
~Noam Chomsky

States seem to have a natural life cycle, and anything can occur to change them into something else, and that something might be no bad thing.
~Norman Davies (historian)


It’s easy to let ourselves off the hook and say, ‘Oh, I would never own slaves.’ Because this is in the DNA of this country, like we saw in Ava DuVernay’s film ‘13th.’ The cycle keeps repeating itself.
~Misha Green

Forced labor affects the most vulnerable and least protected people, perpetuating a vicious cycle of poverty and dependency. Women, low-skilled migrant workers, children, indigenous peoples, and other groups suffering discrimination on different grounds are disproportionately affected.
~Wagner Moura

My father and his eight siblings grew up in the kind of poverty that Americans don’t like to talk about unless a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina strikes, and then the conversation only lasts as long as the news cycle. His family squatted in shacks. The children scavenged for food.
~Karin Slaughter

When someone can’t afford to wear shoes, it’s not just about them not having shoes on that day. It’s about a cycle of poverty that exists within their community.
~Michael Franti

If we want to save our country, we must all realize that the breakdown of our culture is trapping millions of people in a cycle of poverty and dependence, and together, we have to do something about it.
~Marco Rubio

I ran for office because I believe personally that the cycle of poverty is systemic, is rooted in racial injustice, and is rooted in gender bias. It is violence. It is trauma. It is a crime. But, most importantly, it is our policy choice.
~Jamaal Bowman

I broke the cycle of poverty thanks to education.
~Jaime Harrison


Zionism was originally a rebellion against religious Judaism and the PLO Charter was essentially secularist. But because the conflict was allowed to fester without a resolution, religion got sucked into the escalating cycle of violence and became part of the problem.
~Karen Armstrong


By cutting off Hezbollah’s lifelines to international financing, we can break its cycle of violence around the world.
~Mark Meadows

Lebanon is caught in a cycle of threats. And it is our duty to be strong and capable of defending our country. But we will not clarify or explain what we do or do not possess.
~Hassan Nasrallah (Hezbollah)

Reform is the mission from which we shall not digress; it is an expression of belief and determination between us and our people. With the help of Allah, we will proceed forward in this promising national process within the natural progress of the life cycle and the development of people and nation.
~Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Bahrain)

In our view, successful reform is not an event. It is a sustainable process that will build on its own successes ‒ a virtuous cycle of change.
~Abdullah II of Jordan

Violence never solves problems. It may cover them up temporarily because of the fear it is intended to inspire, but it is part of a cycle, not the end of a cycle.
~Tom Steyer


The world is fine and everything is normal and then, bang, you just get bowled over by the wrathful deities somehow. That happens in very small ways and happens in very large ways when you have a major conflagration in the world. It’s another cycle of existence of human beings.
~Bill Viola


In every election cycle that I can recall, there comes a moment ‒ or a few ‒ where charges of elitism and claims of commonness are wielded by presidential candidates like a sword and shield: ‘Vote for me ’cause I’m one of you. It’s the other guy who’s out of touch.’
~John Ridley

What will get you elected through a tough election cycle and what will get you kicked out when you should have won is whether your constituents feel like their Member of Congress respects them or not.
~Joe Kennedy III


Moving forward, I will be committed to building a stronger team so that the GOP can compete and win statewide in 2018, including the possibility of being a candidate in that cycle.
~Chris Gibson (R-NY)

You had 42 blacks that ran on the Republican ticket this Cycle, 14 made of them made it to the general election and two of us made it to the House of Representatives. So I think that there is a new movement that needs to have a voice in the Congressional Black Caucus.
~Allen West

I’m excited to bring a dose of moderate, rational conservatism to ‘The Cycle.’
~Abby Huntsman


We need to stop the vicious cycle of debt that is strangling us.
~Beppe Grillo

We’re in a kind of vicious cycle where the media tell the politicians, and the politicians tell the people, that perception is reality, and the perception of saving dooms a politician. I don’t believe perception is reality, or that all Americans think that.
~Amity Shlaes

What’s different now is that while political leaders used to give talking points to talk radio, now talk-radio hosts are giving talking points to political leaders. It’s all part of the suffocating spin cycle we’re in. In media, politics and publishing, the conventional wisdom is to play to this base.
~John Avlon


To us, mastering the atomic fuel cycle and generating nuclear power is as much about diversifying our energy resources as it is about who Iranians are as a nation, our demand for dignity and respect, and our consequent place in the world.
~Hassan Rouhani

I argue that for every country to have an independent fuel cycle is the wrong way to go. Because any country which has a complete fuel cycle is a latent nuclear weapons country, in the sense that it is not far from making a nuclear weapon.
~Mohamed ElBaradei (Egypt)

The international community must do a better job of controlling the risks of nuclear proliferation. Sensitive parts of the nuclear fuel cycle ‒ the production of new fuel, the processing of weapon-usable material, the disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste ‒ would be less vulnerable to proliferation if brought under multinational control.
~Mohamed ElBaradei


Blending hard-bitten realism with long-view optimism, Obama said that every 20 or 30 years brings a new cycle of pessimism in America.
~Ron Fournier

There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.
~Franklin D Roosevelt


As any opera fan knows, lawyers and judges do not fare well in most operas. Just consider the productions of ‘Andrea Chenier,’ ‘Aida, Norma,’ ‘Billy Budd,’ ‘Peter Grimes,’ ‘The Crucible,’ ‘Lost in the Stars,’ ‘The Marriage of Figaro,’ ‘The Makropulos Case‘ and Wagner’s ‘Ring‘ cycle. Around 1810, the theme of justice emerged in opera.
~Karen DeCrow


Any increase in surveillance of marginalized communities for the sake of security theater have expanded the cycle of criminalization that queer people ‒ especially queer people of color ‒ are forced to navigate.
~Chelsea Manning

Homophobia, racism, and sexism are all rooted in the same oppression that causes a group of people to internalize the oppression they’ve experienced and then continue the cycle of abuse. Simply put, hurt people hurt people.
~Karamo Brown

The thing about abuse is it’s just a cycle of hatred. The person who is gonna abuse you has been abused, and he continues that same cycle of hatred.
~Denzel Curry

We can sit back and be part of a hurting America, or we can channel our energy into something positive and do what we can to break the cycle of hate.
~Bonnie Hammer

I never like to get political, but when you have the ability, through your media, to influence a large mass of people, I would want to be a part of the evolving cycle of progress vs. keeping things the way that they are.
~Zoe Saldana


I’m still an Irish republican; I absolutely believe in Irish unity and am working to achieve that. But over the course of 15 years or more, people like myself and others have been working to end the vicious cycle of conflict.
~Martin McGuinness

Revenge and retaliation always perpetuate the cycle of anger, fear and violence.
~Coretta Scott King

Violence only perpetrates more violence, and it becomes a vicious cycle. There are political situations all over the world where there are untold acts of revenge for incidences, and thousands and thousands of lives are lost because of them.
~Mandy Patinkin

The advocates of retaliatory wars will continue to assume a much simpler reality with their hoary oppositions: Religious and secular, backward and enlightened, free and unfree. But if we are to admit how deeply and irrevocably interconnected our world is, then we must find new ways to break the cycle of counter-productive violence.
~Pankaj Mishra

Without forgiveness life is governed by… an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.
~Roberto Assagioli


When we attach ourselves to national identities, then we enter into a cycle of conflict. I didn’t choose where I was born or who to be or what people would call me.
~Ashraf Barhom

The forces that precipitate the vicious cycle of conflict on this planet do not pledge allegiance to either the left or the right or the center. They take advantage of everyone.
~David Draiman

When you hit someone back with understanding or love it stops the cycle of friction. Its not always easy to do, but when youre aware in the moment you have a choice to respond with love or hate. Its not rocket science.
~Darren Hayes

Only through loving and supporting one another, even in the face of unbearable pain and suffering, will this cycle of violence end.
~Mandy Patinkin

The waking up of a people is historic. It shows the end of a cycle.
~Marine Le Pen


I think the 24-hour news cycle has helped exaggerate the differences between the parties. You can always find someone on TV somewhere carping about something. That didn’t happen 20 years ago.
~George H W Bush

The 24-hour news cycle is kind of insatiable. Players in the ’80s and ’90s didn’t have to deal with that scrutiny.
~Chris Long


Wall-to-wall coverage of the political intrigue in Washington focuses on which Capitol Hill players won the daily news cycle, with barely any reference to the communities and lives where politicians’ decisions actually hit home.
~Pete Buttigieg

The photographers I worked alongside loved the news cycle and the hustle and getting that front page of the newspaper. But I wanted to be out in the field in conflict areas, documenting real life rather than political theater.
~Daniel Berehulak


Lula’s political culture [Brazil] translated into a government project that sought to include the poor in the budget with minimal efforts in terms of structural transformation. The inclusion of the poor would trigger the economy, creating a virtuous cycle of mass consumption market, increased tax collection, more investments, and more benefits.
~Fernando Haddad (restoring the Amazon)

I am so sick and tired of participating in this predictable cycle of politics, where a mass shooting happens, the left calls for new gun laws ‒ some meaningful, some unproductive ‒ the right yells ‘slippery slope’ and hides behind the Constitution.
~S E Cupp

Every election cycle there has been some manoeuvre against me, so at some level I am used to it.
~Sam Gyimah

I’ll say this, the mayoral position ‒ because of COVID, because of the 24-hour news cycle, because of social media ‒ it’s been elevated.
~Francis X Suarez

Ultimately, it is only a powerful civil society movement which can break the vicious cycle of corruption in any society.
~Prashant Bhushan (India)


The lessons of history would suggest that civilisations move in cycles. You can track that back quite far ‒ the Babylonians, the Sumerians, followed by the Egyptians, the Romans, China. We’re obviously in a very upward cycle right now, and hopefully that remains the case. But it may not.
~Elon Musk

I’ve got lots of stamina; don’t worry about that. I cycle every day ‒ it’s OK.
~Jeremy Corbyn

I know a lot of people who are weak, who are in a perpetual cycle of poverty and being locked up. There are guys from my neighborhood who are in jail or who are dead. It does take a certain strength to know your environment and say, ‘I can grow beyond it.’
~Mekhi Phifer

The generational cycle of people returning to prison has enormous, negative impacts on all Americans, especially the family members of incarcerated people.
~David Steward

Once you have a felony conviction on your record, one of the most difficult things to do is to break the cycle of recidivism.
~Hill Harper

I could have easily been a statistic. Growing up in Brooklyn, N.Y., it was easy ‒ a little too easy ‒ to get into trouble. Surrounded by poor schools, lack of resources, high unemployment rates, poverty, gangs and more, I watched as many of my peers fell victim to a vicious cycle of diminished opportunities and imprisonment.
~Al Sharpton


~CycleTeam: Cycle (1:20) animated, cycling styles, a whimsy


~Rubber Legz: Cycle (3:32) fascinating postures, but is it dance


~Vienna Cycle Chic: cycle talk (2:53) languid candid pics, urban cyclers world-wide


I get home from work at six or seven. When I’m busy, I set my alarm for three, get out of bed at quarter past three. I have a cup of tea and read a magazine and take the dogs for a walk up the lane. Go through my text messages and reply to anything that needs it, then get my biking gear on ready to cycle to work.
~Guy Martin


If we’re going to forecast the business cycle, surely it is a good idea to know the business cycle. Sounds reasonable, but it’s not that easy.
~Edgar Fiedler

The term ‘business cycle’ is imprecise. Economic fluctuations affect everyone, not just businesses, and they are, unlike astral cycles, anything but regular.
~Kevin Hassett

Any organisation has to go through at least one depression to see how it survives, and a normal economic cycle takes seven years.
~Shiv Nadar


It is indeed true that the stock market can forecast the business cycle.
~Paul Samuelson


What we did ten years ago with the Playstation was a phenomenal success story for the company. That product had a ten year life cycle, which has never been done in this industry.
~Ian Jackson

Most marketers think there’s a concept called a product life cycle. Once you realize that the world is organized by jobs that need to be done, you understand that product life cycles don’t exist.
~Clayton M Christensen

We do as much harm holding onto programs and people past their natural life span as we do when we employ massive organizational air strikes. However, destroying comes at the end of life’s cycle, not as a first response.
~Margaret J Wheatley


The ‘boom-bust’ cycle is generated by monetary intervention in the market, specifically bank credit expansion to business.
~Murray Rothbard

As ‘Austrian’ business cycle theory has pointed out, any bank credit inflation sets up conditions for boom-and-bust; there is no need for prices actually to rise.
~Murray Rothbard

At some risk of oversimplification, I suggest that the usual reason a business cycle turns into a monster is an overdose of government policy.
~Edgar Fiedler

The president has very little effect on the economy. If you want to put blame or credit, the main person who influences the business cycle is the head of the Federal Reserve Bank.
~Robert Fogel

For policy makers interested in using tax policy to stimulate investments or especially to smooth business cycle fluctuations, the results are not promising.
~Austan Goolsbee


On the upswing of an economic cycle, workers, consumers, savers, investors, and entrepreneurs imagine a future that is brighter than the past. On the downswing, they imagine a future dimmer than the past.
~Sanjaya Baru


Startups are rapidly changing systems. If you use an annual review cycle, you aren’t getting feedback at the same pace that you need to adapt and change the business.
~Fred Wilson

Businesses grow and they don’t change enough and they decline over time. Retailers do that on a bit of a faster cycle.
~Doug McMillon

We test everything on a one- and a three-year cycle. And you want to stress-test a model, and the three-year test usually does that because you have a growth and value bias. You have different interest rate environments.
~Louis Navellier

Organizations want small changes in functionality on a more regular basis. An organization like Flickr deploys a new version of its software every half hour. This is a cycle that feeds on itself.
~Kent Beck

Going public is one step in the life cycle of a company; it’s not the last step.
~David Cohen


VC firms are… responsible for the full life cycle of a company: they find it, help it grow, open up a Rolodex, and sell it.
~Bill Maris

We, as entrepreneurs, can be held responsible for our actions every single day, not every election cycle.
~Naveen Jain


I focus on projects I am passionate about and only work with people I respect. Without these supportive teams, partners and clients, I could never work on so many things. I am fortunate that they see the value in the multiplicity of my work and how it all comes together in a kind of virtuous cycle.
~Imran Amed (fashion)

I believe that we all have a responsibility to give back. No one becomes successful without lots of hard work, support from others, and a little luck. Giving back creates a virtuous cycle that makes everyone more successful.
~Ron Conway (venture capitalist)


Companies that grow create wealth. This, in turn, allows people to have jobs that create more growth and more wealth. It’s a virtuous cycle.
~Lloyd Blankfein

The core of a virtuous economic cycle lies in wage growth.
~Fumio Kishida

I want to achieve a virtuous economic cycle by raising the incomes of not just a certain segment, but a broader range of people to trigger consumption.
~Fumio Kishida


Work to survive, survive by consuming, survive to consume: the hellish cycle is complete.
~Raoul Vaneigem

We are put on this earth to have a good time. This makes other people feel good. And the cycle continues.
~Wolfman Jack

Samuel Johnson called it the vanity of human wishes, and Buddhists talk about the endless cycle of desire. Social psychologists say we get trapped on a hedonic treadmill. What they all mean is that we wish, plan and work for things that we think will make us happy, but when we finally get them, we aren’t nearly as happy as we thought we’d be.
~Alison Gopnik


What we want to do is call attention to the fact that when workers and business work together, when you create a stakeholder model of corporate governance, where you understand that you can do well by your workers, you can do well by your shareholders and you can do well by your customers, that’s how we create a virtuous cycle.
~Tom Perez (presidential advisor)


Thanks to globalization and the technology revolution, the nature of work, the distribution of the rewards from that work, and maybe even the economic cycle itself are being transformed.
~Chrystia Freeland

Pursuing economic sustainability by creating a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution is the kind of new capitalism that I am aiming for.
~Fumio Kishida


We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they’re better off working.
~John Engler


I’ve lived through periods of illiquidity before. Asset prices come down. The economy slows or even goes into recession. Then the cycle re-starts. We buy at lower prices with less leverage.
~Stephen A Schwarzman

If you don’t have ample liquidity, and it’s not durable, in times of stress, as you’re looking for liquidity, you’re forced to sell assets at declining prices, which then eats into your capital position, so it becomes this very, very negative cycle. There’s no question that liquidity is sacrosanct.
~Ruth Porat

Americans are in a cycle of fear which leads to people not wanting to spend and not wanting to make investments, and that leads to more fear. We’ll break out of it. It takes time.
~Warren Buffett


Employing more women at all levels of a company, from new hires to senior leaders, creates a virtuous cycle. Companies become more attuned to the needs of their female employees, improving workplace culture while lowering attrition.
~Susan Wojcicki

Most VC firms are looking to bring in women because of the great consumer cycle.
~Aileen Lee

In our product development cycle, we ask and listen to our customer about what she wants.
~Emily Weiss

Don’t ever get too busy to listen and connect because if you let yourself get stuck in that cycle, what are you actually working for anyway?
~Chrishell Stause


If you keep a clean heart with your money, you will have a clean karmic cycle, but the day you do something negative to another person, that karmic circle will start to bring you down.
~Shilpa Shetty


Efficiency innovations are a natural part of the economic cycle, but these are the innovations that streamline process and actually reduce the number of available jobs.
~Clayton M Christensen

I think, particularly in our tech industry, this is an industry that has violent innovation and then commoditization, and it’s a cycle of innovation/commoditization.
~Ginni Rometty


There will always be a business cycle, and white-collar workers will get hit in the next recession like they always do in recessions.
~Robert Reich


If companies are able to raise equity from the market, then their problems for financing incomplete projects will come to end. Investment cycle in the capital market can kick-start with the money of savers and investors.
~Uday Kotak

Inflation is lower and more stable and the real business cycle fluctuations are more modest.
~Martin Feldstein


The year 2008 was a reminder to those who had forgotten that there is such a thing as history and that the cycle of famine and feast in commerce, first identified in antiquity and well understood in the Middle Ages, was not suddenly abolished in modern times.
~James Buchan

This crisis is not simply a more severe version of the usual business cycle recession, the typical downturn in which economies ultimately adjust and stabilize.
~Timothy Geithner


This is a perverse thing, personally, but I would rather be in the cycle where people are underestimating us. It gives us latitude to go out and make big bets that excite and amaze people.
~Mark Zuckerberg


I got into online trading. It was alarmingly easy to do. I went through the whole cycle of emotions, from supreme self-confidence to total impotence. I broke even in the end.
~James Lasdun

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When I directed the ‘Ring‘ cycle at the Metropolitan Opera in New York recently, there were people texting all through the show. But theatre isn’t a communication device: it’s a communion.
~Robert Lepage

Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew they had become gods… Before we even knew anything about that. We had an ending.
~Michael O’Donoghue

The action films I will make in the future will be more believable and character-based. I am now on my second cycle of fame, and I want to make films that smell real and are truthful.
~Jean-Claude Van Damme

One of my greatest fears is not being able to change, to be caught in a never-ending cycle of sameness. Growth is so important.
~Matt Dillon


There have been discussions of doing ‘The Demon Cycle‘ on both large and small screen scale, and while there is no project currently in development, I think the series has both the big imagery and complex character development to have legs either as a TV series or film franchise.
~Peter V Brett

Cable shows do 13 episodes. I get that. I can wrap my head around 13 episodes. You make them all, you post them all, and then you get to air them. The network cycle is way more intense. There’s more episodes.
~Nahnatchka Khan


My normal cycle for movies is eighteen months and each part is separate.
~M Night Shyamalan

Ultimately, the goal is to be on an annual cycle ‒ releasing a film every year.
~Travis Knight

Up until the time Turner Broadcasting bought Hanna-Barbera, it was essentially an independent studio whose planning cycle had to be nine months. You got a pickup in January, and you put it on the air in September. That’s been the cycle.
~Fred Seibert

Actually, to be honest, this is a useful time to not be knowing what I’ll be doing in 2013 or 2014, because really, for the last however many years, I’ve known what I’ve been doing for years and years ahead. You get into a cycle of non-reflection, and that gets a bit scary.
~Stephen Daldry


Work on your writing skills. Realize that Hollywood is an industry built to keep you out, and once you’re in, it’s designed to cycle you out ‒ so you have to get up every day and work all day long to give Hollywood a reason to let you in, and then to keep you in.
~Scott Derrickson

Anything that is good influences the next thing. It’s inevitable. I believe that Hollywood influences the comics, and the comics influence Hollywood ‒ it’s a cycle.
~Rob Liefeld

I’m a fashion hoarder. I have a ton of stuff, and I like to cycle it out to have room for more stuff.
~Violet Chachki

I am in a constant cycle of selling my clothes at Wasteland and buying from Goodwill. Once or twice a year, I go through my closet and donate everything to Goodwill. It feels like I am recycling my fashion.
~Jenny Lewis

We’re not waiting for the fashion cycle to have 180 buyers come in and see the collection and go, ‘We like it, we’ll buy it, and we’ll have it in June.’ The only one we’re selling to is Net-A-Porter, and the rest is through our site.
~Matthew Williamson

If in sports you have a life cycle for 10 or 15 years, in fashion, you have no cycle; you’re in it forever as long as you stay healthy. And I want to be in it forever.
~Peter Nygard

The fashion cycle is outdated.
~Natalie Massenet

My favourite thing is to come down to London from my home in Staffordshire in the helicopter and then get my bike out of the back and cycle into London. It’s wonderful.
~John Caudwell

You can cycle through London on the side streets, which are less polluted – and much more interesting anyway.
~Deborah Moggach

I feel very fragile cycling in London, whereas in Berlin there are proper cycle paths everywhere.
~Gavin Esler

On many streets, adding a cycle track means narrowing or removing car lanes, or eliminating on-street parking ‒ scenarios that bring panic to car and business owners.
~Michelle Wu

I cycle whenever possible around London. But I travel first class when I need to fly.
~Juergen Teller


~brewer: A Folded Ocean (12:58) stranger-than-strange fiction cycling thru


~Mario Radev: [O] (6:33) even stranger examples of cycle, animated


~Fernando salinas: Cycle (3:00) …and again, as segments of the cycle fill in


~Omeleto: Pillars (17:02) grief, real enough to be painful watching


~Omeleto: When This All Ends (15:09) a lighter side of the other side


I respect my competitors, you know, I get respect back from them. I respect people out there who pay for their tickets to come watch us compete. And I respect the reporters because they’ve got to come out here and tell a good story. That’s what it is. It’s just a cycle of respect.
~Justin Gatlin (sprinter)


I guess I’m like any other concerned father, except that nobody else’s son guns a cycle over 17 pickups without holding on to the handlebars.
~Evel Knievel

He loves the game. He gave it everything he had. What I really admire, though, is he said to me, ‘Dad, I just couldn’t keep doing it.’ That cycle of injury, rehab, injury, rehab just got too much. He didn’t want to stick around and begin to resent the game. He wanted to leave the game and still love the game. That’s pretty impressive.
~Oliver Luck


For my whole career, I concentrated on that cycle of games from August to May and being mentally and physically ready.
~Paul Scholes (English soccer)

It’s very hard for most players to be at the top in a four-year cycle.
~Andreas Pereira (soccer)

Well, I did know but I just wanted the day to pass and the next day to come and then I wanted that one to pass. It was a horrible cycle. I felt so close to having to pack the game in.
~Paul Gascoigne (soccer)

I was just at a point where waking up every day was a struggle. Coming out of every training session and wanting to cry, and having no confidence, not believing in myself and it’s kind of this vicious cycle of focusing on all these things that I couldn’t control and it was just eating away at me and pulling me down and I just wasn’t happy anymore.
~Stephanie Labbe (soccer)

If you become their property it is much clearer for you, for the club, for everything. It was a great experience to play in three different teams, different leagues, different experiences, but if I wanted to improve I had to break this cycle and make my own way. That’s why I signed this contract to come to Stoke.
~Bojan Krkic (soccer)

I think – I hope ‒ that we’re going to be able to build something here with U.S. Soccer, where it’s not just going to be about one lost match or one lost cycle or one lost team. It’s going to be about an entire country rallying around an entire sport in a way that lasts.
~Christian Pulisic


If you’re constantly just trying to go in this win-loss cycle that MLB is pushing, you are creating bandwagon fans, and that’s not the type of fans you want to create.
~Max Scherzer

…and that’s where we come across a vicious cycle of performance, sponsorship, recognition, jobs and TV visibility. It’s a typical chicken-and-egg story; each one is directly related to the other without an answer for what comes first.
~Gagan Narang (of cricket)

It would be nice to do a winter and a summer Olympics in the same cycle.
~Kadeena Cox (paralymypic sprinter/cycler)

It’s always in a cycle. One set of plays will work really well for a time, and then defenses figure it out, and you go to something else.
~John Stockton (NFL)


I know I didn’t want to get caught up in the cycle of drugs and violence that was around me. Deep down inside, I felt there was something better outside the situation I was in.
~Michael Oher (NFL)

I was the best guy, you know, all through Little League and Pop Warner and that kind of stuff. But when I went to high school, I was undersized. I didn’t grow. I was behind the whole puberty cycle. I didn’t like high school.
~Pete Carroll (NFL coach)

I want to run a marathon in the immediate future. In the future future, I want to do ironmans. I cycle long distances. The only thing I have to work on is the swimming. I’m a good swimmer, but I’ve never done long distances like that.
~Ray Allen


I try to keep fit, as it’s better for both skiing and plastering. I cycle and jog and I dance a lot – Ceroc, a form of modern jive.
~Eddie the Eagle (ski jumper)

In the history of sport in general, people stick around. Look at Shaun White and Lindsey Vonn just continue on, Olympic cycle after Olympic cycle; that is why they are famous.
~Mirai Nagasu (snowboarder / ski racer)


When I was ten years old, I would get up at 5 in the morning, cycle to the swimming baths, do an hour-and-a-half session, then cycle to school, do a day at school, then cycle back to the baths after.
~Eddie Hall (massive-sized strongman)

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We’ll see some simplistic players for a while, who’ll then get into more complicated things and evolve with their instruments. This is a cycle that happens over and over again in .
~Billy Sheehan

So I’ll set a cycle in motion and pop it into record and I’ll lay down a drum pattern, a bass line, a keyboard and guitar part, and once the groove is going I launch into the song and sing my song over the top.
~Thomas Dolby


When we came off the tour for the last album, we started on this one. We’ve just been chipping away at it. We’re not in that much of a hurry, because when we release a Blur album, that’s a three year promotion and touring cycle.
~Dave Rowntree

There’s something insane about this business ‒ about the cycle of making albums and going on tour to promote them.
~Martin Gore

I’ve seen too many people who have been artists for a long time, on that cycle of record-promote-tour, and you look up and 10 years of your life is gone. I didn’t want that to happen to me.
~Terence Trent D’Arby

The promotional cycle’s this staging area for failure. I hate it! Why bother when everyone’s either gonna steal the album or copy it?
~Oneohtrix Point


If you’re in a major city, there’s a 25-year cycle. In Vegas, it’s probably 10 or 15 years, except for those landmark places like Spago or Nobu. In Vegas, you have to reinvent yourself once in a while.
~Daniel Boulud

I work on words quite separately to . They’re both ongoing, and I don’t ever feel like I’m working in a cycle in that respect, because it’s every day anyway, no matter what I’m doing. Then I get to a point when I’ve collected together enough words that seem like they want to be songs rather than poems, or sometimes not.
~P J Harvey

Well, we promised our fans that we’d put out records faster, and that’s what we’re doing. We figured out a way to condense our cycle, so to speak, by… continuing to write, trying to keep the creative ball rolling as often as possible.
~Chester Bennington (Linkin Park)

Being a ian, especially at the major label where you work for so long, it becomes a cycle. Write a record, make a record, tour. It’s just this cycle, and I don’t think there’s any life built into it with time to assimilate what’s going on in front of you and what’s going on in your head.
~Art Alexakis


In a way, the history of jazz’s development is a small mirror of classical ‘s development through the centuries. Now jazz is a living form of original , while classical has gotten to the end of its cycle in terms of exploring its form.
~Mike Figgis


This is just the way it goes: there’s always a cycle with ‒ it goes up and it goes down, it goes risque and it goes back, it goes loud then it goes soft, then it goes rock and it goes pop.
~Suzi Quatro

I have truly eclectic taste in , and I seem to cycle through phases in terms of to what’s inspiring me. I’ll go from Beethoven to Sigur Ros; world , Brit-pop, classic rock, blues/jazz, even the odd bit of heavy metal.
~Rachel Miner


Rock n’ roll can get quite overwhelming. You can get caught up in the cycle.
~Grace Jones


Twitter helps me connect to the people who help make my music, or the cycle of an album, complete. Without them experiencing the music, it doesn’t really exist, so it doesn’t make sense to not involve them.
~Imogen Heap


For a song cycle to work, you have to feel these things when you hear them and you either have an emotional reaction to it or you don’t. The plotline is something that gets woven together in the back-story.
~Tori Amos

Getting to do ‘December Songs‘ in a cabaret-style format was so interesting because it’s like a one-woman song cycle that actually tells a story. It feels like a theatrical experience more than a cabaret because I didn’t talk in between. We went from one song to the next, nine songs in a row – bam – I told the story in half an hour.
~Laura Osnes


As far as favorite tunes, ‘You Know You Know‘ is one, and why it is important is difficult to say. The rhythmic cycle is very interesting and challenging to play, since it can be considered three bars of 4/4 or four bars of 3/4.
~John McLaughlin

Every al scene has a cycle.
~Paul Epworth


~Dramatico: Katie Melua • Nine Million Bicycles (3:13) …in Beijing


~Bambeno : Cycle (2:58) meditative sorrow, with interpretive dance


~Jan Hammer: Jeff Beck w/ Jan Hammer • Live At the Hollywood Bowl Star Cycle (6:07) guitar mastery, sonic virtuosity, band as a play cast


~Aesop Rock: Cycles to Gehenna (4:08) non-standard rap video


~Dcee730: Lou Reed • Endless Cycle (5:08) bleak-speak Lou Reed


~Elias Athens – Egaleo: Frank Sinatra • Cycles (4:08) a little pre-song patter to set it up


~SadPandaVideos: David Rovics • The Bicycle Song (2:52) old-time bike, song with currency


~waterpololegends: Nat King Cole • On A Bicycle Built For Two (1:45) old time visuals and song, a bi-sensuous pleasure


To ride a bicycle properly is very like a love affair; chiefly it is a matter of faith. Believe you do it, and the thing is done; doubt, and, for the life of you, you cannot.
~H G Wells

I think we’re often guilty of gravitating towards the familiar. Even if we recognize that certain patterns are unsatisfying and destructive, there can still be a comfort in the familiar recognition of a cycle repeating itself.
~Laura van den Berg

to cry is beautiful—
the beauty of one’s pain
leaving the heart
~Terri Guillemets (Water cycle)

Perhaps this is the most important thing for me to take back from beach-living: simply the memory that each cycle of the tide is valid; each cycle of the wave is valid; each cycle of a relationship is valid.
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Consider the standard two-person married couple, and consider them, for a moment, not as a bastion of heterosexuality or a living witness to Jesus or any other such high-minded abstraction. Rather, consider them in relation to what Karl Marx would have called the “realm of commodities” and George Carlin would call “their stuff.” They will possess, at least if they are affluent enough to matter to the economy at all, one VCR, one microwave oven, one electric knife sharpener, one stationary bicycle, and, of course, one house or apartment. Among other things too numerous to mention. The point is, they will share a VCR, a microwave oven, etc. This is not a matter of ideology or even personal inclination. It is practically the definition of marriage: marriage is socialism among two people.
~Barbara Ehrenreich,

My wife has joked that if anything ever happened to me, she’d gladly live out her life without anyone else around. I think it bugs her I’m home all the time; such is the life cycle of the cartoonist, however.
~Chris Ware

I’m not particularly a feminist, but if you get women off the animal cycle of reproduction and give them some say in how many children they’ll have, immediately the floor will rise.
~Christopher Hitchens

There is a kind of sadness in not wanting the things that give so many other people their life’s meaning. There can be sadness at not living out a more universal story ‒ the supposed life cycle.
~Sheila Heti


I think the problem is that there has been a kind of backlash against feminism. I think women just didn’t really see themselves winning that fight, and I think that probably led to a lot women feeling trapped in a perpetual cycle of disappointment ‒ trying to be feminists and failing to be.
~Romola Garai

I act for love. I give it my all. I would probably still do it even if I wasn’t paid at all. But in terms of equal pay, I need to be paid the same as the guy who has equal billing with me. Otherwise, I won’t do it. Because if you accept less, you’re just letting everyone else down and continuing the cycle.
~Cara Delevingne


The Violence Against Women Act has been a true bipartisan success story since it was first enacted in 1994. In my home state of Texas alone, its programs have helped hundreds of thousands of victims to break free from the terrible cycle of domestic violence.
~John Cornyn

Libraries are filled with stories on generations of brutal men, trapped in a cycle of aggression. I wanted to write about the violence of women.
~Gillian Flynn


Understanding the menstrual cycle is just one part of the holistic understanding you need to have of your footballers in order to help them prepare.
~Emma Hayes

Women have a better sense of smell than men do, and it’s even sharper in the middle of their menstrual cycle, when estrogen levels peak and women are more likely to be deciding whether a man’s attractive.
~Helen Fisher

A creature ruled by the lunar cycle in charge of a business? Absurd! Have you gone insane?
~Alison Agosti


If women are supposed to be less rational and more emotional at the beginning of our menstrual cycle when the female hormone is at its lowest level, then why isn’t it logical to say that, in those few days, women behave the most like the way men behave all month long?
~Gloria Steinem

I would like it if men had to partake in the same hormonal cycles to which we’re subjected monthly. Maybe that’s why men declare war — because they have a need to bleed on a regular basis.
~Brett Butler

In man, the shedding of blood is always associated with injury, disease, or death. Only the female half of humanity was seen to have the magical ability to bleed profusely and still rise phoenix-like each month from the gore.
~Estelle R Ramey “Men’s Cycles (They Have Them Too, You Know)”

You know Americans are obsessed with life and death and rebirth, that’s the American Cycle. You know, awakening, tragic, horrible death and then Phoenix rising from the ashes. That’s the American story, again and again.
~Billy Corgan


Now the cycle of the moon is reflected in your body, connecting you to the greater cycles of life, welcoming you into your fullness as a woman.
~Maureen Theresa Smith

Women, post-menopause, go back to how they were before they started menstruating, and there’s this great freedom in a woman’s life when she reaches the end of that reproductive cycle, and that most women come into their own strength, the same strength they had as a girl.
~Sheila Heti


To address what seems like an endless cycle of gender inequity in media, I believe we need to think beyond what our industry has already tried to do through mentorships and internships. We need to stop talking and start moving the needle, and one solution is to simply give women jobs.
~Nancy Dubuc

When you educate a girl, you kick-start a cycle of success. It makes economic sense. It makes social sense. It makes moral sense. But, it seems, it’s not common sense yet.
~Queen Rania of Jordan

I know that in my family there are histories of violence that are internal family things and that are oftentimes dealt with internally. By internally, I mean inside the family group, but also partly inside ourselves. You know, self-hatred and hostility and rage and this cycle that won’t break.
~Kara Walker

I know how domestic violence can affect a family, and I want to do everything I can to stop it from happening to others. The most important thing we can do is teach kids that they can break the cycle.
~Missy Elliott

I know that life is full of lessons to be learned, and my children will have to learn their own, but I hope I have broken the cycle of shame and fear that plagued my childhood.
~Jimmy Barnes


A life cycle approach to food security will imply attention to the nutritional needs of a human being from conception to cremation. The most vulnerable but neglected segment is the first 1,000 days in a child’s life ‒ the period from conception to the age of two, when much of the brain development takes place.
~M S Swaminathan

Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments, poorer health, lower cognitive development, and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves, thereby repeating the cycle.
~Jane Fonda

It is my desire to break the destructive generational cycle of illiteracy in the home by focusing on the children. Reading to your child has so much value as a parent because it opens the lines of communication.
~Victoria Osteen

The fastest way to break the cycle of perfectionism and become a fearless mother is to give up the idea of doing it perfectly ‒ indeed to embrace uncertainty and imperfection.
~Arianna Huffington


Becoming a grandmother brought me back to the things I forgot to love. Nature. Playing. Seeing animals. A new way of looking. A rejuvenation. A cycle of life ‒ things come back to you. The details.
~Carine Roitfeld

I miss my parents. But still, my granddaughter, my daughter, my grandma, you know, so it’s very important for me. You lost your parents, but a new baby comes. It’s like the cycle of fashion.
~Carine Roitfeld

Born Free is an idea that came from a place of deep respect for the delicate cycle of life. How incredible to be able to work with gifted designers who, as mothers, recognize what the devastating loss of a child could mean and how easily that loss can be avoided.
~Wangechi Mutu


I never knew my father, and I’d hate to repeat that kind of cycle with my own children, because I’d also want to be there for them no matter what.
~Mickey Rourke

Most kids just follow the cycle. My grandfather didn’t finish high school. My father didn’t, and I didn’t. But you can break the cycle. You can have a successful marriage and be a good father.
~Eric D Thomas

I think it’s time that we all be there for the children, to learn from the ones who came before us, and to teach our sons and daughters to have respect for themselves. Break the cycle.
~Ja Rule


I don’t think it ever occurred to me that I wouldn’t be an entrepreneur. My dad became a real estate developer, and that work is usually project-based. You attract investors for a project with a certain life cycle, and then you move on to the next thing. It’s almost like being a serial entrepreneur, so I had that as an example.
~Stewart Butterfield

I think that when people who’ve had success from a young age go through a train-wreck cycle, it’s usually because they’re working on someone else’s terms, so they feel the need to rebel. But when it’s something you’ve built, you don’t have that same kind of resentment or angstiness. But it’s also difficult to keep those standards for yourself.
~Tavi Gevinson


My dad had a Vincent Black Shadow, which was a quite particular thing: it was the fastest cycle of its era… It sparked a world for me; when I was old enough, I got a motorcycle.
~Rachel Kushner

My dad is a motorcycle guy, not some Hollywood dude.
~Shia LaBeouf

Driving a motorcycle is like flying. All your senses are alive. When I ride through Beverly Hills in the early morning, and all the sprinklers have turned off, the scents that wash over me are just heavenly. Being House is like flying, too. You’re free of the gravity of what people think.
~Hugh Laurie


The idea that murder victims’ families are best served by continuing the cycle of violence is something that I consider to be not only a lie, but criminally negligent. You lie to victims’ families when you tell them they’re going to receive closure if they participate in the process and witness the execution of a human being.
~Steve Earle


I come from a family where two wheelers were not allowed. No seriously not even a tiny cycle around the compound.
~Saqib Saleem

Mum didn’t have shoes. She was the eldest of 10 kids, and some nights they went without food. That’s why, from a young age, I wanted to work hard and change that cycle, to provide not only for my parents but my siblings, too.
~Israel Folau (rugby)

I missed a whole cycle of childhood, but I’ve never used it as a device for self-pity.
~James A Michener

A great foster parent can end the cycle of abuse and neglect, and impact not just the foster child’s life, but also that child’s future children’s lives, the lives of people who would otherwise be victims of a lost foster child’s crimes, and help end human trafficking and homelessness.
~Jen Lilley

This family had evolved along the cycles so many families go through — from pin feathers to paradise plumes…
~Rupert Hughes


We live on a two week cycle in our house so if I go away for two weeks, it’s too long. And if I’m home for two weeks, it’s too long.
~John Bishop


I feel like, big city or small town, you can relate to following your parents’ footsteps or putting your own dreams on the back burner or vices that we get caught up in that whole cycle. That’s not just a small-town thing. That’s a life thing.
~Kacey Musgraves

My grandmother adopted me for a while, and I was bouncing around a bit. I was always helped by the PTA and church groups with food and Christmas presents. It’s a hard cycle to break, because when you don’t have the resources, it’s almost impossible.
~Bobby Bones

Half the bloody world is going through a divorce; more than that are having children. All of us have parents who are dying or have died. It’s just the life cycle.
~Sarah McLachlan

And it is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace. When a man’s mother holds his child in her gladdened arms he is aware (with some instinctive sense of propriety) of the roundness of life’s cycle; of the mystic harmony of life’s ways.
~Christopher Morley

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All bicycles weigh fifty pounds. A thirty-pound bicycle needs a twenty-pound lock. A forty-pound bicycle needs a ten-pound lock. A fifty-pound bicycle doesn’t need a lock.
~author unknown

Many people cycle or swim to keep trim. But if swimming is so good for the figure, how do you explain whales?
~Charles Saatchi

The number of American presidential candidates varies with the sunspot cycle and the phases of the moon.
~P J O’Rourke

Brevity is the soul of wit ‒ and the sole charm of a bicycle skirt.
~Charles Wayland Towne

Jokes about menstrual cycles are not funny. Period.
~Internet meme

Why are Washington and Oregon the home turf of every violent Left-wing radical? It seems to be a never-ending cycle of radical Lefties burning down Starbucks and moderate lefties upset they can’t get their lattes.
~Milo Yiannopoulos

A life cycle can be imposed on an object. An object can be very energetic and active, and then it has a dying phase and a phase of decomposition.
~Claes Oldenburg

Man appears for a little while to laugh and weep, to work and play, and then to go to make room for those who shall follow him in the never-ending cycle.
~Aiden Wilson Tozer

We seem wired to grieve with greenery. Allowing the dead to dissolve into the earth, to become part of the cycle of the seasons, has, for millennia, held the promise of cheating mortality.
~Simon Schama

I think when you think of death as being part of the life cycle and recognize that death is an inevitability for our species because the world has to be renewed with each death, then the hope becomes when it is renewed it will be renewed by people on whom I have had some influence for good.
~Sherwin B Nuland


If you have a bereavement in your family, it’s a terrible, terrible thing. But, you know, time passes. It’s part of the cycle. It doesn’t hurt so much.
~Bernard Sumner

Birth, life, death is a cycle. And they’re all beautiful, you celebrate all of them. Animals do grieve, but they move on. That’s the lesson behind animals.
~Cesar Millan


I have always wished that one of our great libraries might have on its walls a mural of the dramatic sequence of any man’s progress from birth to death, the cycle of a human being…
~Althea Warren

…we become aware of the fact that our civilization really does not harbor a concept of the whole of life, as do the civilizations of the East… In fact, it is astonishing to behold, how (until quite recently and with a few notable exceptions) Western psychology has avoided looking at the range of the whole cycle. As our world-image is a one-way street to never ending progress interrupted only by small and big catastrophes, our lives are to be one-way streets to success — and sudden oblivion.
~Erik H Erikson

I was in an unhealthy cycle. I was drinking too much. I wasn’t eating well. And everything I thought I was doing right wasn’t working.
~Guy Sebastian

It is so hard to resist any kind of food. My willpower is just gone, and the food wins. And then I feel guilty later. It is the same cycle, over and over.
~Angel (My 600-lb Life)

Food became my coping mechanism and I’ve never been able to break that cycle.
~Gemma Collins

This country must break the cycle of childhood obesity. Unless we reverse course, this epidemic will continue to put more of our children and the future of our nation at risk.
~Marcia Fudge

I think many people expend a tremendous amount of energy on self-loathing and self-flagellation as well as getting caught in a vicious cycle of dieting and gaining the weight back.
~Marti Noxon

Diets ‒ the ultimate empty promise perpetuating the same cycle over and over again. We’ve all been victims of yo-yo dieting. We stick to some diets longer than others, but c’mon, just how much cabbage soup can a person eat?
~Suzanne Somers

What basically happens is your hormones get out of whack. Because of the stress in your life your body says, ‘I need more hormones.’ So, your hormones are trying to produce and produce and produce, and it’s even more stressful and it is this wicked cycle.
~Marie Osmond

A lot of women are in a crazy exercise cycle; they’re so afraid they’ll gain weight if they stop, and it’s especially hard when they get pregnant. What they need to realize is that if you’re not exercising so much, you don’t have to eat so much, and your body adjusts. It sounds so simple, but you really do have to listen to your body.
~Courtney Thorne-Smith

Think about it ‒ just getting rid of the fat doesn’t get rid of the toxins, which are reabsorbed into your body. This creates a vicious cycle. Losing weight without learning to eliminate chemicals is like a merry-go-round. And it’s why dieting doesn’t work.
~Suzanne Somers


I like to keep fit, and when not gardening or singing solo or in a choir, I cycle, play tennis, swim, dance, and practise yoga.
~Jane Hawking

I swim. I do a little bit of surfing. I would say I’m a
beginner at surfing. I run. I cycle. I play a little bit of soccer.
~Henry Ian Cusick

I try to be as disciplined as I possibly can. I try to live a fairly kind of clean life. I do yoga; I cycle and do weights and swim. I do whatever it takes.
~Pierce Brosnan

For exercise, I tend to like the outdoors. In Paris, I rent a bike in the street and cycle around, and in L.A. I live up in the hills so I go hiking a lot. I like to stay fit by being generally active.
~Diane Kruger

When I am home in L.A., I love to stop by a yoga class or Soul Cycle session. There is nothing like doing some cycling in the dark to club and candle light.
~Adam Rippon


Obsession with conventional ideas of ‘success’ can be harmful enough, but compound that stress with relationships, family, financial woes and health concerns, and you find yourself in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes people to be more reactionary, which further perpetuates the cycle of stress.
~Ariel Garten

Stress impacts the way we think, feel, and behave. It often leads to a negative, self-perpetuating cycle that is hard to escape.
~Amy Morin

Meditation is practical, simple, and very useful. Taking even 30 seconds to rest your attention on your breath instead of following the cycle of your thoughts can bring you back to you in a heart beat.
~Tara Stiles


At the top of the cycle you write policies for everybody, no matter how bad, and at the bottom you cancel everybody, no matter how good. It’s a manic-depressive cycle.
~Robert Hunter


Our health care system squanders money because it is designed to react to emergencies. Homeless shelters, hospital emergency rooms, jails, prisons ‒ these are expensive and ineffective ways to intervene and there are people who clearly profit from this cycle of continued suffering.
~Pete Earley

We see healthcare shifting from a procedure reimbursement, where in this country doctors are reimbursed for how many procedures they conduct, to a world where people will be reimbursed for the outcomes ‒ did the patient actually get better, and what was the total cost of the cycle of care.
~John Sculley

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A Foreboding
© Shelby Wells

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After your first day of cycling one dream is inevitable. A memory of motion lingers in the muscles of your legs, and round and round they seem to go. You ride through Dreamland on wonderful dream bicycles that change and grow; you ride down steeples and staircases and over precipices; you hover in horrible suspense over inhabited towns, vainly seeking for a brake your hand cannot find, to save you from a headlong fall; you plunge into weltering rivers, and rush helplessly at monstrous obstacles.
~H G Wells


When I’m not running, I cycle about 30 miles a day. I use the biking as cross training. I’m kind of a maniac. I race everybody.
~Dan Hill

Cyclists are insane. You’re going through the Alps, climbing up mountains. There’s this circus around them. They’re so tough. When they have a day off, they go out and cycle 100 miles.
~Stephen Frears

I cycle like a fiend, but I can’t even sit through the highlights of the Tour de France.
~Neil Macdonald


There’s no hurry… I came out for exercise, gentle exercise, and to notice the scenery and to botanise. And no sooner do I get on that accursed machine than off I go hammer and tongs; I never look to right or left, never notice a flower, never see a view — get hot, juicy, red — like a grilled chop… I can assure you, sir, I go scorching along the road, and cursing aloud at myself for doing it.
~H G Wells


I cycle, which is a healthy thing for an 80-year-old to do. I rarely go further than five miles, but in those five miles I can get to 80 percent of the places I want to go.
~Richard Rogers

Cycling is low-impact, which is why people cycle into their 70s or 80s, but track cycling means hard gym work and crashes.
~Chris Hoy

Cycling is a part of my life; it always has been, and I will always continue to cycle. I won’t be doing it on the world stage, doing it competitively, but I’ll still be out on the weekend with the masses riding around Richmond Park in my Team Sky jersey or whatever. I just love it.
~Bradley Wiggins


Toronto is exploding with cyclists, with more and more people wanting to cycle and being turned off driving because of the incredible congestion. Biking is a much more efficient way of getting around, and you get there faster.
~Dan Hill

The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man. Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in heart.
~Iris Murdoch

The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets.
~Christopher Morley

Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling.
~James E Starrs


Man on his feet is thermodynamically more efficient than any motorized vehicle and most animals. For his weight, he performs more work in locomotion than rats or oxen, less than horses or sturgeon…
…Man on a bicycle can go three or four times faster than the pedestrian, but uses five times less energy in the process… The bicycle is the perfect transducer to match man’s metabolic energy to the impedance of locomotion. Equipped with this tool, man out-strips the efficiency of not only all machines, but all other animals as well… The bicycle lifted man’s auto-mobility into a new order, beyond which progress is theoretically not possible.
~Ivan D Illich


According to Alan, the bicycle is mechanical perfection. When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man’s convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man’s brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle.
~Elizabeth West

My father showed me that the benefits of bicycling run much deeper than physical fitness. What we’ve stumbled across is a basic world rhythm imitated by those pedals spinning round. There’s a youth force living in the suspended energy of that age-old diamond frame.
~Joseph Kita


With the bikes leaning up against a farm gate, we were sitting at the roadside munching apples. The scent of wild rose and honeysuckle filled the air and the sounds of summer were all around us. I felt absolutely in my right element. I was not just living through a summer’s afternoon — I was part of it.
~Elizabeth West

Provence off the beaten track offers silence, stillness, sweet scents, eagles, chestnuts, endless avenues shaded by plane trees, fabulous walking, cycle tracks and beaches to die for.
~Carol Drinkwater

There are people who travel because they want to push themselves to physical limits, people who walk across deserts or cycle across the Antarctic ‒ like Ranulph Fiennes, who just does it because it’s there. And then there are people like me, who are just genuinely curious about the world.
~Michael Palin

It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and can coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motorcar only a high hill impresses you…
~Ernest Hemingway


Bicycling, furthermore, is the nearest approximation I know to the flight of birds. The airplane simply carries a man on its back like an obedient Pegasus; it gives him no wings of his own… Plunging free downhill is like a hawk stooping. On the level stretches you may pedal with a steady rhythm like a heron flapping; or you may like an accipitrine hawk, alternate rapid pedaling with gliding. If you want to test the force and direction of the wind, there is no better way than to circle, banked inward, like a turkey vulture. When you have the wind against you, headway is best made by yawing or wavering, like a crow flying upwind…
~Louis J Halle, Jr

Oh, the exhilaration of feeling yourself pushing forward through the air, like, or something like, a bird! …When you have ridden as far as you want to ride, the next thing to do is to stop. This is accomplished by heading for something firm, like a post or a large white house, and crashing into it head-on. You will then find that you have not only stopped, but that you are off, all in one continuous uninterrupted process.
~Robert Benchley


I have been writing my blog for several years. Whenever I have written about pertinent subjects, no one has supported them. For instance, the stray dog menace. I cycle in the morning every day, and I am still scared of stray dog attacks.

Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live.
~Mark Twain

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@Writers Platform

Get up, groan, write a bit, moan, eat breakfast, write some more, cycle my bike through the Sligo hills, make up country songs as I pedal along, sing them, have lunch, have a nap, groan, moan, write a small bit more, cook dinner, feed wifey, open a bottle, or several, slump, sleep.
~Kevin Barry (Irish)


My husband saw me go through the 2008 campaign cycle. We did it together for Sarah Palin and John McCain. It ended disastrously, and afterward I really wanted to do something different, so I started writing novels, and I imagined a fictional female president in my head.
~Nicolle Wallace


I figure that that has a ten year cycle. At the end of that ten years, I began to get worried that I would run into what is known as the writer’s block, the feeling of not being able to do these things.
~A E van Vogt

I wanted to write a film and I thought the best way to do so was to train myself within the field… It was just like a cycle of people trying to make it, not making it, doing extra work, and it was pretty depressing in the end.
~Michelle Rodriguez (actor)

I guess there’s a sort of cycle with writing books. There’s all the researching and then the imagining and writing ‒ which is the real job ‒ and then there’s always a period when the book comes out and you have to lift your head and venture out.
~Monica Ali

You know, “Motorcycle Diaries” has no incredible stories, no sudden plot twists, it doesn’t play that way. It’s about recognizing that instance of change and embracing it.
~Gael Garcia Bernal


All the Midkemia stories are part of a ‘history of an imaginary place,’ so I’ve always known the cycle covered five rift wars. I just got to the end after 30 books. So there was no particular inspiration, save it was time to finish the whole shebang.
~Raymond E Feist

Every book in the ‘Dreams‘ cycle dramatizes a particular epoch in the ongoing cultural collision between North America’s native peoples and its European colonizers.
~Tom Bissell

Honestly, I think there’s a cycle to the popularity of fantasy and fairytales that usually coincides with times of unrest or hardship in our own world. By retelling these legends or immersing ourselves in fantasy realms, we can safely explore the very real, very day-to-day darkness of our own lives.
~Sarah J Maas


I was stage-struck from an early age. I just loved the language. We lived quite near Stratford so I would cycle and watch the plays.
~Ken Loach

I’m conscious of a series of circles working its way through my life. And at this particular moment I have come round to the beginning of my writing cycle. It begins with poetry. There’s hardly a day that goes past on which I don’t write poetry.
~Ben Okri

I used to love going on a junket and promoting a film when it was not a 24-hour news cycle, and when there weren’t so many media outlets. You could actually talk about the film.
~Debra Winger

News reporting is a cycle: No matter how much you work at sending a message, it’s only successful if it’s received.
~Jessica Savitch

I am in awe of women who have full family lives and seem to work round the clock in the 24/7 news cycle.
~Jill Abramson

News-free existence is not a serious proposal, but it is worth noting that while today’s 24/7 media environment is wonderful in many ways, it can also be like drinking out of a fire hose and intensify a downward reinforcing cycle of despair.
~Elaine Chao

I think women think a lot about cycles, biological and personal. This year another cycle came around: my contract was up. It seemed an opportunity to take a life audit.
~Jane Pauley


The American television punditocracy ‒ the pollsters, political consultants and other talking heads who become as ubiquitous as air every election cycle ‒ can be incestuous and herdlike.
~Anand Giridharadas

In modelling, some girls have been working for the last 15 years and they are still in the same cycle of what they have been doing. It is too big a pool and I am not going to travel with the herd. I need to pave my own way.
~Lisa Haydon

The photographers I worked alongside loved the news cycle and the hustle and getting that front page of the newspaper. But I wanted to be out in the field in conflict areas, documenting real life rather than political theater.
~Daniel Berehulak


On ‘The Daily Show,’ we get so caught up in the day-to-day news cycle. A story breaks, and then the piranhas in late night, we all jump to the headline, and we dissect it, and then we have to move on to the next day.
~Hasan Minhaj

One of the things that I was kind of holding on to from ‘The Daily Show‘ was there was an exhaustion that I would feel because we just kind of got caught up in the news cycle. You tell a story, and that’s an interesting story, and then the next day we have to drop it and talk about something else. That’s so unfair to the story and the people.
~Wyatt Cenac

It was really difficult to tour on ‘Psychopomp‘ for a year and do the press cycle and talk to people three or four times a day about my mom dying.
~Michelle Zauner

When you start at Bitly, you go through this emotional cycle, where first you go, ‘Oh my God, this data is amazing.’ But then you start looking at it, and you conclude that humanity is completely doomed. Because what people read is cats and Bieber and celebrity gossip and that stuff.
~Hilary Mason


I’ve certainly done more than my fair share of pouncing on a stupid issue to win the news cycle of the day, to distract from what are real and important issues.
~Steve Schmidt

Films like ‘I, Tonya‘ and ‘Richard Jewell‘ show a moment in time that then spurned a whole methodology of 24 news cycle, in which it became more important to fill time and to make money, than to tell the truth.
~Paul Walter Hauser


In one sense, newspaper editor is an appropriate job for an out-of-work politician; politicians live the news cycle as intensely as editors.
~Michael Wolff


We’re in this industry, we feel like we need to be plugged into a news cycle all day long. You feel like if you’re not commenting on the news 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you’re not going to be relevant.
~Jedediah Bila

The phone’s never far away. The TV’s always on. We are constantly on the news cycle; either watching the news, making the news, talking about the news.
~S E Cupp

Sunday is the only day where I can kind of do my own thing and not have it dictated by the news cycle.
~S E Cupp


Working on ‘Newsroom’ has given me an appreciation of the struggle that you go through on the 24-hour news cycle. The people who are legitimately attempting to deliver honest news are really facing a tough, uphill climb that’s a lot harder than any other time in history.
~Thomas Sadoski

In the 24-hour news cycle of cable, we don’t always get it right.
~Ed Henry


I don’t have to deal with the issues of the daily news cycle.
~Ron Suskind (author)

My way of coping with the day to day news cycle, which can be a lot, following every undulation of the news, I think it’s really psychologically harmful, so I check in, but I check in on a slower cycle. That’s my way of controlling my emotional response to fairly dark times.
~Morgan Spector

The challenges are different to different kinds of magazines. News magazines, magazines that have high frequency and news, are going to be challenged, heavily challenged, not just by the Internet but by the whole 24-hour news cycle which has just been getting enhanced.
~Jann Wenner

If the first lady is concerned about this Internet cycle, what would she have done during the heyday when there was 12, 13 editions of a paper in one day? What would she have done with that news cycle?
~Matt Drudge

What’s surprised me most about the demands of blogging ‒ the relentlessness of it. 24-hour news cycle, every media imaginable right here in New York, totally fair game.
~Rachel Sklar


Prewritten Prompt: cycle


In Hinduism, Shiva is a deity who represents transformation. Through destruction and restoration, Shiva reminds us that endings are beginnings, and that our world is constantly undergoing a cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
~Karen Salmansohn

The priests say the new dawn will be like the rain that fertilizes the soil before we begin to plant our corn. It will renew the natural cycle of life. The Mayan people will once again flourish. I believe in this very strongly. The holy men say we are entering a period of clarity. We are rediscovering our Mayan values.
~Rigoberta Menchu

Despite the fact that the vast majority of Israeli Jews are not Orthodox, the ultra-Orthodox hold the keys not just to Israel’s Jewish sacred places, but to the life cycle events ‒ conversions, weddings, divorces, burials ‒ of the country’s more than six million Jews.
~Bari Weiss

The Buddha resides as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain.
~Robert M Pirsig


I’m a staunch believer that we are in an earth cycle. There’s no question the planet is changing, and the fact that the Mayans had an end date and their history talks of change, I find that fascinating.
~George Noory


Spiritual age is determined by the acts which make the mornings and evenings of the soul, and not by the motions of the physical globe. The soul should have its own cycles and revolutions, presenting in turn every portion of its existence to the vivifying influence of the great source of light.
~Henry James Slack

There is but One God. His name is Truth; He is the Creator. He fears none; he is without hate. He never dies; He is beyond the cycle of births and death. He is self-illuminated. He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning; He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True. He is also True now.
~Guru Nanak

The Christian Bible is a symbolic book, not a literal one. The one Christians know as Jesus was actually a symbol for the sun. Ancient sun worshippers believed the sun died at the end of the winter solstice and then three days later it would be reborn at the start of its cycle ‒ December 25.
~David Icke

All the seven deadly sins are man’s true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you’re made to feel guilty for being human, then you’re going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can’t escape
~Marilyn Manson


The more people rationalize cheating, the more it becomes a culture of dishonesty. And that can become a vicious, downward cycle. Because suddenly, if everyone else is cheating, you feel a need to cheat just to keep up.
~Stephen Covey (amended marginally for clarity. ~Ed Note)

You can’t ever get everything you want. It is impossible. Luckily, there is another option: You can learn to control your mind, to step outside of the endless cycle of desire and aversion.
~Henepola Gunaratana


Karma, memory, and desire are just the software of the soul. It’s conditioning that the soul undergoes in order to create experience. And it’s a cycle. In most people, the cycle is a conditioned response. They do the same things over and over again.
~Deepak Chopra

Assurance, action, and evidence influence each other in an ongoing process. This helix is like a coil, and as it spirals upward it expands and widens. These three elements of faith ‒ assurance, action, and evidence ‒ are not separate and discrete; rather, they are interrelated and continuous and cycle upward.
~David A Bednar


Life is an endless cycle for those who believe in reincarnation.
~Roberto Baggio

These vagabonds in the sky have picked up the shifting weight of pressure heavy oceans, and hurled them down again upon the land, only to have the rivers return to the sea, and repeat once more the endless cycle.
~John Martin Scott

Fires in California and Oregon are incinerating homes, businesses, schools, power lines, and roads. Hurricanes in the Gulf Coast are swamping mobile homes and carrying away cars and livestock. The United States faces the potential task of relocating towns and cities and fortifying others, trapped in an endless cycle of destruction and rebuilding.
~Annie Lowrey

Just as human activity is upsetting Earth’s carbon cycle, our actions are altering the water cycle.
~David Suzuki

We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
~Jacques Yves Cousteau

Wherever you disrupt water from its natural cycle, there’s always a winner and a loser. Whoever is the one it’s directed towards is the winner, and whoever loses that water is the loser.
~Edward Burtynsky


Natural capital is easy to overlook because it is the pond we swim in. One can live perfectly well without ever giving a thought to the sulfur cycle or wetland functions. Only when the benefits nature provides are disrupted do we take notice.
~Paul Hawken

Every corny thing that’s said about living with nature ‒ being in harmony with the earth, feeling the cycle of the seasons Every corny thing that’s said about living with nature ‒ being in harmony with the earth, feeling the cycle of the seasons ‒ happens to be true.
~Susan Orlean


Plate tectonics is not all havoc and destruction. The slow movement of continents and ocean floors recycles carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans back into the atmosphere. Without this slow speed carbon cycle, Earth’s temperatures would cool dozens of degrees below your comfort zone.
~Seth Shostak

You will die but the carbon will not; its career does not end with you. It will return to the soil, and there a plant may take it up again in time, sending it once more on a cycle of plant and animal life.
~Jacob Bronowski

Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s life cycle.
~Michele Bachmann

The science is clear that there is an increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. What is not clear from the science is how much of that increase is caused by human activity; and what also is not clear is what impact those increases have on the climatic cycle.
~Jim Sensenbrenner

Waste does not exist in nature because ecosystems reuse everything that grows in a never-ending cycle of efficiency and purpose.
~Frans van Houten


The fertility cycle is a cycle entirely of living creatures passing again and again through birth, growth, maturity, death, and decay.
~Wendell Berry

Nature is a machine. The family is a machine. The life cycle is like a machine.
~Ray Dalio


Just because you see pictures of glaciers falling into the ocean doesn’t mean anything bad is happening. This is something that happens all the time. It’s part of the natural cycle of things. We know from measurements that glaciers have been melting for 200 years at least.
~Freeman Dyson

The problem with climate change has always been that whilst political timeframes and economic investment timeframes work on a 3-5year cycle, the planet needs a rather longer term view.
~Barry Gardiner


Our planet has a peculiar wobble ‒ its precession. And that precession produces upheavals in our weather, weather alterations we cycle through every 22,000, 41,000 and 100,000 years.
~Howard Bloom

The earth’s history over the past several million years is that for every 100,000 years, we go through a dramatic climatic cycle where we get 90,000 years of ice age and 10,000 years of a warm period. I think people today just have the expectation that we deserve a perfectly benign climate forever.
~Hugh Ross


As Earth’s climate changes, we can expect more destructive hurricanes. As sea level and surface temperatures rise, more solar energy is trapped in the atmosphere, revving up the hydrological cycle of evaporation and precipitation and sometimes manifesting in terrifying storms.
~David Grinspoon

Katrina this past week was certainly the worst episode in what has become an all-too-familiar and tragic cycle, and our nation is now faced with a set of unprecedented challenges.
~Jo Bonner

We definitely don’t want to go through another Ice Age or another natural cycle of global warming. Both happen over a long period of time. It would be disastrous for our civilization, and not just for us but many other species.
~David Grinspoon


Please use biodegradable plastic, please don’t use disposable water, carry your own water, try to walk or use cycle, or carpool, or else use public transport.
~Rupali Ganguly


Walk, run, cycle ‒ When you live inside your head for such long periods of time, you have to open the windows, air it out a bit, let sunlight stream into all the dark and dusty corners of your mind.
~Twinkle Khanna


I recycle. I have a house in the south of France and I have a small garden. My name is Dujardin – ‘from the garden.’ I grow carrots, peppers, strawberries, green beans, and things for salads, but there are lots of wild boars all around and they steal the food.
~Jean Dujardin


Western countries have gone through their development cycle and enjoyed the fruits of ruining the environment over many years and are now giving us homilies and pontificating on responsibilities to the environment. I think they need to look inward.
~Piyush Goyal


The lunar cycle within the solar season: that kind of syncopated rhythm is what life relates to.
~James Turrell

The atmosphere, the earth, the water and the water cycle ‒ those things are good gifts. The ecosystems, the ecosphere, those are good gifts. We have to regard them as gifts because we couldn’t make them. We have to regard them as good gifts because we couldn’t live without them.
~Wendell Berry

We humans can benefit greatly by participating in this cycle rather than trying to dominate it. We may indeed gain much wisdom by following nature’s tendencies.
~Heather Jo Flores

If we look at the life cycle of technologies, we see an early period of over-enthusiasm, then a ‘bust’ when disillusionment sets in, followed by the real revolution.
~Ray Kurzweil

Any new technology tends to go through a 25-year adoption cycle.
~Marc Andreessen

That’s what makes Linux so good: you put in something, and that effort multiplies. It’s a positive feedback cycle.
~Linus Torvalds


Fractal geometry is everywhere, even in lines drawn in the sand. It’s the cycle of life… You see fractals in plants, in flowers. Within the human lung are branches within branches.
~Ron Eglash


We found out that, contrary to what many people thought, in the immune system, genes can change during the life cycle of the individual.
~Susumu Tonegawa

Bacteria evolve, and so they become resistant to existing drugs. Sometimes they revert, depending on how damaging the mutation is to the life cycle of the bacteria. Mutations that give rise to resistance against particular compounds do increase, and that is why you constantly have to have new ones.
~Thomas A Steitz

We know that efficiency and effectiveness are increased when you’re getting sufficient sleep, and it will take you longer to do the same thing on an underslept brain, which means you end up having to stay awake longer. So goes the vicious cycle.
~Matthew Walker


There has almost never been a period of substantial economic growth in the United States without significant investment. And no investment pays off within the same cycle. No investment pays off within the same year ‒ especially a governmental investment. Even businesses don’t work that way.
~Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

When you put money directly to a problem, it makes a good headline. It makes a good campaign slogan. You get to claim that you’ve engaged in these activities within an election cycle. But certain investments take longer than an election cycle.
~Neil deGrasse Tyson

Scientific discovery requires sustained funding for decades, and politicians can destroy it in a single budget cycle.
~Bill Foster


Publishers, naturally, loathe used books and have developed strategies to depress the secondhand market. They bring out new, even more expensive editions of popular textbooks every three to four years, in a classic cycle of planned obsolescence.
~James Surowiecki

I’m a geophysicist and all my earth science books when I was a student, I had to give the wrong answer to get an A. We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we laughed at. We learned of Marshall Kay’s geosynclinal cycle, which is a bunch of crap.
~Robert Ballard


Intelligence is the source of technology. If we can use technology to improve intelligence, that closes the loop and potentially creates a positive feedback cycle.
~Eliezer Yudkowsky

Titan has rivers and lakes of liquid methane and ethane, methane weather systems of clouds and storms that mirror Earth’s hydrologic cycle, and seasonal cycles that rival Earth’s in complexity.
~David Grinspoon

The first voyagers to the stars will be creatures whose life cycle is matched to the voyage: the aeons involved in traversing the galaxy are not daunting to immortal beings. By the end of the third millennium, travel to other stars could be technically feasible. But would there be sufficient motive?
~Martin Rees

We try to keep it a normal day while we’re up in space. You know, you don’t want to change your time cycle too much, so we just keep it normal. And so, about 5 or 6 o’clock at night, after we finish working, we knock it off by having prerecorded shows that we watch sometimes through the computer while we’re eating dinner.
~Sunita Williams

Another thing that freaks me out is time. Time is like a book. You have a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s just a cycle.
~Mike Tyson

Cycles of light and dark have determined the rhythms of life since life began.
~The International Dark-Sky Association

Humankind has always kept track of time so that we would be able to live in attunement with it. And that is exactly what we have lost. The more we adjust the artificial framework we have constructed for the counting of time, the more we lose our visceral, physical, emotional, sensual, and spiritual understanding of it.
~Donna Henes

The SPF Act is just one of many common sense bills I plan on dropping. This act finally ends the yearly forwards/backwards time-change cycle.
~Madison Cawthorn

The brief cycles of centuries are as a breath in the workings of the Infinite.
~Marie Corelli


Leap-year is, according to traditionary lore, invested with sundry privileges and immunities to the fair.
~Frederick Saunders

With debt free college there is absolutely no incentive to rein in administrative costs when the government is foolishly pushing everyone to get a degree, regardless of need or desire, which only perpetuates the silly cycle for another generation.
~Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

Being incarcerated is truly very serious, and it has changed my life to such an extent that breaking the cycle has become my sole focus. Jail is definitely not cool. Education is.
~Ja Rule

~ ~

§ The Exercise:

why cycle

new love, new job
heart to break
one to rob
cycling in, cycling out

peace and war
one to love
a well-paid job
cycle in, cycle out

grinning sin, face of grace
lessons learned
wisdom earned
life-cycle cycling on


greg’s reply

old friends now
takes time to grow
this close together
meet each other
the daily walks
cycle thru greetings
small talk
while he listens

not city blocks
breathing smoke
but hiking nature
walking thru
inhaling views
mountain oaks
sylvan meadows
and share my news
with silence

identity: epilogue to this dialog
given the happy sweep of tail
a bounding bonding dog
but given the sweep and scope of tale
legend’s friend, a knowing God


dubious progress

opinions like onions
irritate the eye
cloud vision
give some reason
good cause to cry

union as anchor or DC rancor
turiyan karma or national drama
soliciting vermin recycling sermons
hard heart by nature, hand-open parson
preaching virtues of callous for bone-leaning bunions

opinions and onions flavor the stew
sauteed and tasty, poisonous brew
skewered on a pike or pillow-soft landing
freedom of choice or victim of branding
unified crew, state of ship notwithstanding

vietnam: doobie-us mess

some rank the scent holy incense
some say totally rank, illegal pretense
tense newbies inhaled, wholly intense
some sensing it only got incensed

stink or fragrance, force or by chance
call it a stance, at fault or a fancy dance
funk and bouquet cycle in contrast
puff zip and life bullets past
flashes, evanesces, gone as fast


not a race

cross-border tests
or test results
soap opera news
or medical views
is it for civilization
or a personal send
the straight road ahead
after the final bend
where history or a story
cycles down at the end


Certainty of Doubt

Left out circle ’round
becoming right all around
Right side up
upside down

From under water
fish drowning in air
Tears born of laughter
or borne with despair

Is love what it’s about
Does truth have any clout
when figuring things out
wisdom or securely devout

The cycle is endless
may finally prove friendless
Uncertain fitness
as audience or witness


Serendipity (a tally poem)

Convergence & benevolence
Karma pays w/ consequence
Omens bless & fate relents
Omni-mix of puzzles mesh
Why did cash not impress


5s ‘n 7s

gentle slope, steep hill
easy lope, cheap thrill
new found love, and hope
heartthrob would elope
leave future to cope
circle life, long view
stroll, or cycle thru


recycling bicycles
gas-price wish to try cycles
one wheeled bikes to tricycles
season’s in the buy cycle
steely nerves like icicles
weave traffic and die cycle
choice of laugh or cry cycle


cycle of a hug capsule:
length of deep breath, heavy sigh
embrace, brush kiss offered cheek
intimate for a moment
as love lost, held close, let go

~ ~

The Olio and Salmagundi of Quotes

Cartoons are like fruit flies. Biologists use fruit flies because their large chromosomes and short life cycle make them ideal for studying hereditary changes.
~Robert Mankoff

Cartoonists create so many cartoons on any given topic that we can follow the life cycle of a comic idea and how it evolves over time more quickly than we can with a form like the novel.
~Robert Mankoff


Work to survive, survive by consuming, survive to consume: the hellish cycle is complete.
~Raoul Vaneigem

We are put on this earth to have a good time. This makes other people feel good. And the cycle continues.
~Wolfman Jack


There is a dream on the street. I hear it constantly ‒ finding a piece of land, raising food, building a house. I hear talk of hopelessness. The price of land, you know. Housing is impossible. They are trapped in a cycle. How can you ask for a job after you’ve been sleeping in the bushes all night?
~Tom Noddy

I have a cycle that is not particularly cool, but it’s a cycle: trash myself to reward myself.
~Jeff Bridges


I was so shy, it almost paralyzed me in social settings. And as shy people know, that can become a vicious cycle: The more uncomfortable you feel around people, the more you retreat, and the more shy you get.
~Tamara Taylor

What you resist persists: as soon as you start going, ‘I mustn’t feel anxious, I don’t want this panic attack to happen,’ you’re not giving it any space to do its thing. You’re trapping it, so it never leaves, and it’s horrible ‒ it’s a cycle I get myself into all the time.
~Fearne Cotton


Each thing is of like form from everlasting and comes round again in its cycle.
~Marcus Aurelius

I’ve come to learn there is a virtuous cycle to transparency and a very vicious cycle of obfuscation.
~Jeff Weiner


When we looked at the life cycle in our 40s, we looked to old people for wisdom. At 80, though, we look at other 80-year-olds to see who got wise and who not. Lots of old people don’t get wise, but you don’t get wise unless you age.
~Erik Erikson

For each generation must find the wisdom of the ages in the form of its own wisdom.
~Erik H Erikson


Who doesn’t awaken on their birthday with a tingle, a heart-skip of excitement? A thrill of a thrill, a nascent throb?… In any case, a heightened awareness of a period of personal significance. Of specialness. Our birthday is the anniversary of our self, the blessing of the fact of our being.
~Donna Henes

There are people in the world who mark the sun’s cycles on a stick, counting themselves graveward… a little ink-mark to show that I have closed a paragraph, and, with almost the trembling uncertainty of a year ago, am about commencing another.
~Fanny Forester (Emily Chubbuck Judson)

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The Olio Quotes harvested from:
https://bqotd.com, https://brainyquote.com, https://www.quotegarden.com, https://wisesayings.com


Fun Tarts: https://gocomics.com


The Salmagundi Video Harvest
https://venmo.com, https://vimeo.com, https://youtube.com

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