
Archive for March, 2014

The “Where did everybody go?” Edition


Quoted in the Grove:

It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write.  Let them think you were born that way.
~Ernest Hemingway

It is perfectly okay to write garbage – as long as you edit brilliantly.
~C J Cherryh

I love deadlines.  I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
~Douglas Adams


The prewritten for Thursday, March 13 is: Write a piece containing the words: stagnation, harvest


On the Glass Table:

Legends of the Whale (Prose, previously reviewed)
Show Me (Poetry, previously reviewed)

Greenie: Daddy Mine (Poetry)
Quoted in part:

My soul song spills and my fingers tap
Tears falling down, on my breast, my lap,
I don’t read the words, they burn in my head
My vision all blurry, eyes growing red


Prewritten (March 6): jury, splinter

Greymane: Scripted (Poetry)
Quoted in part:

The good shined around him obscuring his course
As the light slipped away from him on a dark horse
It rode into the sunset dragging his name
There once was a man who forgot his own name

Piffin: Untitled (Poetry)
Quoted in full:

This splinter in my eye; not good
Of that there’s little doubt
Is it metal?
Is it wood?
The jury is still out


Impromptu (March 9): Due to a dazzlingly low turnout, the Weekly Word Games meeting ended early.  No impromptu exercise was done.


“And for a second there, we’d won.  Yeah, we were innocent and young…”


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Quoted in the Grove:

What comes is not to be avoided
What goes is not to be followed.
~Master Daibai

“Come to the edge.” 
‘It’s too high.’ 
“Come to the edge.”
‘We might fall.’ 
“Come to the edge.”
And they came 
And he pushed them 
And they flew!

Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down.
~Kobi Yamada


@Writers Platform
Glass Table: No new drops


Posted in the Grove:
This week’s Post & Review is mercifully, gratefully short. Packing and storing while making arrangements to go road-tripping is a time and energy sink. Regretfully, it is as much a function of the journey as the travel and adventuring parts. Bummer

Piffin will be hosting Thurs Word Games for the next couple weeks. As brave with her time as she is generous with her talent, Piffin will be editing the Post & Review during this time as well. Thank you, Piff


Two guys in a frenzy of love-making with their cellos


Prewritten for Thurs (02/06) @6pm PT/9pm ET: splinter, jury


Prewritten: Photo ~ A mini-mechanical mannequin fairie. Adore her, write about it

~Greymane: Mechanical faerie pic
There’s a soul somewhere in those tiny gears; little wings flutter, so too his heart

~BarTalk: the price


Impromptu: harmony, bowl

~Greymane: haiku
The wind that carries the song, molds it

~BarTalk: haiku


Writers in Residence:

~Greymane @Greyed Expectations: A Need
Despite the role of mystery implied in faith, and despite the driving urgency that not knowing gives to life; just once please, one little kernel of reality that one could hold in hand, however briefly, and know that there’s a God

~ . ~

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